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Arrival / Dismissal / Parking


A student excitedly reaches towards Cosmo the Cougar as Mr. Talmadge congratulates the class for great on-time attendance.

Cosmo the Cougar and Mr. Talmadge congratulate Ms. McGregor's class for great on-time attendance.


First bell is at 8:30 am (Monday - Thursday) and 10:00 am (Friday). Please have students at school by these times to ensure they are ready to enter the building.

There is NO supervision before school. Students are NOT to arrive at school more than 15 minutes before the first bell.

If your child is tardy, park your car and escort them to the office. We will help them get to class from the office.


Calm Before Class lets students regulate before entering their classroom. As soon as students arrive on campus, they go to their assigned area to read, write, draw or engage in another calming activity.


Students enjoy breakfast in the classroom at the start of their day. At this time, breakfast and lunch are free for all students. However, we ask that all families complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application. This gives you access to other benefits and allows us to continue serving nutritious meals to ALL children regardless of income.


For safety and security reasons, students may not ride bicycles or motorized scooters to school. This is a recommendation from the local police.


School ends at 3:10 pm Monday - Friday.

There is NO supervision after school. Students should leave school as soon as they are dismissed.


Occasionally, you may need to remove your child from school before the end of the regular school day. When this happens, we ask that you follow the procedure listed below:

  1. Send a note to the teacher so they can prepare.
  2. If an emergency situation makes this impossible, call the Office Manager or the school office at 425-204-3350.
  3. To ensure that your child leaves the school with YOU, you must come to the Office and sign a log. Your child will then be called to meet you in the office.
  4. If there is a change in your child's after school transportation, please call the office before 2:45 at 425-204-3350.


Thank you for doing your best to keep Cascade students safe during drop off and pick up.

Our parking lot has a designated entrance and exit for buses. Do not enter the bus zone unless you have a disabled parking placard and require a designated parking space.

Families can use the south entrance circular drive highlighted in green above for pick up and drop off. Proceed in the single vehicle line, moving forward when available, and wait until your child comes to you. Stay in your vehicle. Continue through the circular drive and exit the lot onto 116th.

Parking is available in the Word of Life Church parking lot across from the school. The patrols will cross students safely as needed. This can be an efficient way to pick up your child at dismissal and avoid the circular drive congestion.

Thank you in advance for your patience in these areas to ensure the safety of our students.

Diagram of parent drop-off and pick-up for Cascade Elementary